About the Author
KEN CUTHBERTSON is a Kingston, ON-born veteran journalist with forty years’ experience writing for publications in Canada, the US, and the UK. He has worked for newspapers in Toronto, London (ON), Regina, and Kingston. Ken also practised law for a couple of years before returning to journalism, which was his first love. He spent 28 years (1986-2014) working as editor of the Queen’s Alumni Review magazine. Since retiring from the QAR in 2014, he has devoted his time to writing books and writes regularly for the magazine and website of Queen’s Law.
A one-time finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award and a finalist of an Atlantic Book Award, Ken is the bestselling author of seven books (six non-fiction and one historical novel), the editor of two others, and he has written work of local history titled, When the Ponies Ran: The Untold Story of the Kingston’s Minor-league Professional Baseball Team, 1946-51.
Ken’s 1998 biography of New Yorker writer Emily Hahn, Nobody Said Not to Go, has been optioned by Los-Angeles-based Mark Yellin Productions and will be the co-inspiration for an upcoming television mini-series on the life and times of Hahn. In addition, because Ken is the biographer of journalist William L. Shirer, he appears on camera in the new documentary series the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, which will be streamed on Netflix in early 2024.
In addition to Ken’s work as a print journalist, he has also done some broadcasting. He served as Kingston correspondent for CBC-Radio news (Ottawa, ON), 1985-1988. He did a 15-minute weekly freelance movie review show for CKCK-AM (Regina, SK), 1979-1980. He co-hosted bi-weekly radio program Alumni Airwaves, CFRC-FM (Kingston, ON), 1991-1992 and he co-hosted Q-POD, bi-monthly podcast of the Queen’s Alumni Review magazine, 2005-2010.
In addition to his writing credits, Ken has received numerous honours, included among them are the Jeff Potter Trophy, For Service to Baseball in Kingston (1992), a Ball Brothers Foundation visiting fellowship, University of Indiana (1993); John J. Heney Award for service to Queen's University (2001), a Distinguished Service Award from Queen’s University (2016).