Global News

May 20th, 2021

Professional baseball was played in Kingston from 1946-51.

Seventy-seven years ago, the Kingston Ponies took to the field at Megaffin Stadium in the Class C professional baseball league.

It was one of the most splendid chapters in Kingston’s sporting history. Join Ken as he brings the team back to life through this interview and his booklet: When the Ponies Ran (2021).

The Champlain Society

December 18th, 2020

Listen as Ken chats about the Springhill mine disaster.

Tune into this interview at 39:05 to listen to a robust discussion between Ken Cuthbertson and Ben O’Hare-Bryne, host of the Corus Radio Network show A Little More Conversation, that is heard nationally across Canada on weeknights.

The State of Canada in 1945

Patrice Dutil meets with Ken Cuthbertson of Kingston, Ontario to talk about how Canada emerged from the Second World War. Cuthbertson is the author of 1945: The Year that Made Modern Canada (HarperCollins). Canada in 1945 is victorious over Nazi Germany and the King government launched an election campaign that will again carry it to power. The victory unleashes passions of all sorts, ranging from a riot among troops in Halifax to an explosion of births. Canada emerges from the war with an unprecedented sense of power. This podcast was produced by Jessica Schmidt.

Corus Radio Network

October 25, 2023

An Interview with Ken about his New Book: Blood on the Coal

Join Ken as he discusses his new book Blood on the Coal with Global New’s Bill Welychka. This interview offers viewers an engaging and informative overview of the book that tells the riveting true story of one of Canada’s worst mining disasters, told in the voices of the men who survived it

Global News Morning Chat

November 22, 2023

podcast icon showing the podcasts Ken Cuthbertson has been interviewed on

Talkingbooksandstuff Podcast hosted by Dennis Rimmer

National Public Radio (NPR) author interview by books host Scott Simon

A Little More Conversation with Ben O’Hare-Byrne

video camera icon showing the videos Ken Cuthbertson has been in

TVO’s The Agenda – the Halifax Explosion

Cogeco - In Conversation with Ken Cuthbertson by Jamie Bramburger

Author Events

  • Interview with Ben O'Hare-Bryne from Global News about Blood on the Coal

    Coming in 2026

    Watch for events related to Ken’s forthcoming new book chronicling the remarkable story of the British Home Children who helped build Canada